Green Springs Software initially sprouted in late 1985, from a spare bedroom of a mobile home in rural Oregon. At that time, the side-business was known as George Pearson Software Services. Initial projects were sub-contracted from a local software company that specialized in School District applications, specific to Oregon schools. The initial projects consumed a couple of evenings per week, after George returned from his "day job" as a full time Programmer/Analyst employed by Jackson County, Oregon.
When the "moonlighting" business began to place stress on the day job, Pearson resigned his county position, and formed Green Springs Software as a sole-proprietorship. That was March of 1986.
Green Springs Software began to grow at a steady pace, initially specializing in the IBM midrange line of systems, including the AS/400. In 1990, the firm was awarded status as an IBM Business Partner, category Application Specialist. Although the IBM midrange platform constituted the majority of the business, the thirst for client-server and Internet technology demanded that we embark into new areas. So, in addition to the AS/400 and related languages and methodologies, we evolved into a full service firm, and will continue to evolve, as new technologies become available.
In 1997, Pearson transformed the business into an Oregon corporation, Green Springs Software, Inc. (the "Company"). The Company continues to grow annually, with clients in five states. Several of our clients have been long term, with one spanning 3 decades! (Stretching it? Maybe, 1989-2002).